Is Ativan Rehab Effective?

Ativan addiction is a complicated illness, and there is no specific answer when it comes to treatment. Like other substance use disorders, Ativan addiction must be handled exhaustively to adequately address the issue’s social, psychological, and physical elements. Beneficial psychological therapies used in Ativan rehab include Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

These options usually involve a certified counselor and can be employed in an inpatient or outpatient setting based on the patient’s circumstances. CBT benefits those who do not have the skills to stop themselves regarding triggers, drug cues, and drug use behavior. Studies show that CBT is a powerful and effective treatment intervention as an alternative to Ativan for cognitive issues such as depression, which occur with addiction.

Contingency management (CM) is a behavioral therapy that has shown advantages in addressing Ativan addiction. This approach involves getting a voucher redeemable for valued services and goods for every clean drug test. According to research, CM exposure during rehab increases the patient’s drug-free days and retention in treatment. This method has also been helpful with clients suffering from dual-diagnosis conditions with generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorders.

Ativan addiction is also considered a family condition, meaning family-based therapies will be used to address any co-related issues and repair relationships between family members. Parents of teens who have gone through the Behavioral Exchange Treatment Systems Training program have experienced a boost in family communication and parental coping skills. Thus, these therapies will not only help address Ativan addiction in rehab but also any underlying mental health conditions.

Effective Treatments in Ativan Rehab

Residential/Inpatient Treatment

Ativan RehabAn inpatient rehab facility enables its patients to stay there during treatment for 30 days to 12 months based on the severity of their addiction. When staying in a residential treatment setting with medical professionals as staff, they will monitor your detox process closely. Medications can also be administered to help ease withdrawal symptoms.

Inpatient Ativan rehab centers also facilitate the following:

  • Re-entry training to help patients transition back into society after treatment
  • Group therapy sessions
  • Psychosocial therapies

There is a positive, consistent relationship between the time spent in inpatient rehab and the outcomes after treatment. You will find a significant improvement in the person’s psychological and behavioral functioning the longer their treatment duration.

Outpatient vs. Inpatient Rehab Treatment

Ativan RehabInpatient or residential rehab usually covers the fundamental treatment approaches while giving patients an immersive setting to focus on their recovery. The main advantage of this option is it eliminates the daily triggers and temptations of drug use for an exact period allowing you to focus on getting better. Some private or luxury rehab facilities offer more amenities for patients than inpatient treatment. Generally, inpatient rehab programs provide patients access to medical services such as therapy, counseling, and supervised detox during withdrawal periods.

On the other hand, outpatient rehab is another available option for some people, depending on their personal, family, and financial circumstances. This treatment option might include a brief period of inpatient care to facilitate the detox process. Afterward, the patient will transition to outpatient therapy and counseling. A structured detox can also happen on an outpatient basis, provided a medical/ addiction treatment professional follows up to coordinate the process.

Intensive Outpatient and Partial Hospitalization (IOP)

Partial hospitalization is a treatment option for individuals between outpatient and inpatient treatments. This method allows the patient to be in an inpatient rehab setting without the rigidity of staying in the facility. It is also referred to as day treatment, meaning patients spend a few hours daily in the facility. This is typically the case for patients experiencing difficulty maintaining abstinence. Partial hospitalization is usually combined with intensive outpatient treatment, which includes counseling and therapy.

Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Ativan RehabThere is no medication approved by the FDA to address Ativan addiction. However, replacing this drug with a long-acting benzodiazepine such as Librium or Valium and tapering off the dose gradually over a few months can be an effective addition to MAT.

Flumanezil is another medication that has garnered interest in medically-assisted Ativan rehab. It can help patients reduce their symptoms during the period after withdrawal. There are also medicines to ease withdrawal symptoms. Anxiety and insomnia, for example, are symptoms associated with Ativan withdrawal and can be managed using non-benzodiazepine anxiolytics and short-term sleep aids.

Vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and headaches might also occur and can all be handled with prescription drugs in case they become too serious. Most of the time, adequate nutrition, rest, and additional supportive care will be essential to navigating this period.

Therapy and Counseling

As mentioned before, motivational interviewing (MI) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) are two effective therapies used to address addiction in Ativan rehab. Cognitive Behavioral therapy is an approach that aims to change the patient’s actions, behaviors, and thoughts in response to stressful situations. This helps them learn not to rely on Ativan’s sedative effects. This method is more efficient in individual therapy than in group settings.

Motivational interviewing is also helpful in Ativan rehab as this technique allows the patient to realize their internal motivations to modify their Ativan-using behavior. This technique has evidence-based outcomes, particularly for people with a dual-diagnosis psychiatric disorder. When Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy are used together, they produce effective results in recovering users by helping to change their behavior and increasing their motivation towards continuous recovery.

It can be overwhelming and challenging to choose an option for Ativan rehab treatment. However, you can get support in making your decision from an addiction specialist or a medical professional. First, you’ll need to know your price range, which will determine your options. Next, you’ll need to choose between outpatient and inpatient treatment and determine how long you’ll need to stay in treatment based on the advice of a medical professional. You can also select any additional amenities you’re looking for in a rehab program. These combined factors will help you determine an effective treatment option that meets your needs.