How To Deal With Benzo Addict?

When you or your loved one is under the influence of drugs, you have very little chance of noticing it by yourself. At first, you will develop tolerance from using it, but later it leads to an addiction where your craving is too high.

This unhealthy behavior can ruin your life and your relationships with your loved ones and family, so you need to get medical help as early as today. In this article, we are going to talk about the ways of dealing with people having benzodiazepine addiction.

It’s never too late to change for the better, start reading to know more about it.

What is the Medical Use of Benzo?

These drugs are used to relax your brain cells which leads to relaxed muscles, slower breathing, and being sleepy. Consequently, this medicine is prescribed to patients having anxiety disorders, insomnia, seizures, and panic attacks.

Despite its health benefits, people are misusing this drug for recreational and self-medication reasons. With the rising case of benzodiazepine addiction, it is a must that you or your loved one need to have an early intervention as early as possible.

Side Effects of Benzo Medication and Abuse

Similar to other prescribed medicines, when you are using or abusing benzos, you will feel its side effects. Below are the common side effects of this controlled substance.

  • Benzo AddictSlight hallucinations
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Easily irritated
  • Change of appetite
  • Minor headaches
  • Bleary eyesight
  • Anxiety

When Does Benzodiazepine Addiction Start?

Before you or your loved one develops an addiction, substance dependence will be the first stage. However, the side effect of cravings can automatically start when you are taking this medicine in large doses even when it’s within your prescription.

It’s because of the addictive nature of this sedative-psychotic substance which inevitably needs the supervision of a doctor. With that, you will also undergo a gradual process of stopping from medicating with this drug, to reduce the pain from its withdrawal symptoms.

Should You Confront Your Loved One Who Is Addicted to Benzo?

Benzo AddictWhen a person is addicted to this prescribed medicine, he or she cannot tell the difference between medication, dependence, and addiction. Why? Because in the first place, he is taking it as a medication so he is convinced that it is necessary to continue using this drug.

Consequently, you and his family must intervene with his drug usage to avoid severe health consequences. Likewise, you can do this together with a counselor or addiction specialist, so you can penetrate through him and convince him to go into treatment.

The Risk of Using Benzos with Alcohol and Opioids

This prescribed medicine is highly potent in terms of sedative effects, so when you use it together with another depressant (like alcohol), then it can lead to coma or even depressed breathing.

Furthermore, alcohol and opioids are the two main substances used along with benzodiazepine addiction. When you do this unhealthy behavior, you are highly exposed to an overdose and even death; because your lungs stopped working.

Here are some statistical data about the dangers of abusing opioids and benzodiazepines at the same time.

  • 30% of opioid addicts are also using benzos
  • 115 people died due to opioid overdose, and they were also diagnosed with abuse of benzodiazepines. It is also equivalent to 23% of the total population of individuals abusing opioids.
  • Opioids and benzos are both sedatives, so overdosing with these two drugs simultaneously can lead to respiratory failure, coma, and death.

What Are the Options for Treating Benzodiazepine Addicts?

Once you or your loved one is convinced to undergo treatment, then you need to consult with an addiction specialist or go to your nearby rehab center. There you will be evaluated on your overall well-being so they can give you a customized treatment program.

Nevertheless, recovery programs for your treatment include detoxification, treatment for dual diagnosis, behavioral therapies, medications, and aftercare programs.

1) Detox with Medical Assistance

Typically, the withdrawal symptoms you will feel will be painful and severe, depending on how intense is your overdose. With that, it will be safe and comfortable on your part if you have medical supervision while undergoing detox.

2) Treatment for Dual Diagnosis

Benzos are given for patients with anxiety, depression, insomnia, and panic attacks. It can relax your mind and body, so you can sleep better and reduce your tremors.

However, when you take this drug without any pre-existing conditions, then you have a higher chance of developing addiction. With that, the rehab center will give you a specific treatment plan to address these co-occurring disorders.

3) Behavioral Therapies and Support Groups

Deal With Benzo AddictOnce you are addicted to a substance, it distorts your entire system that includes your body, thinking, emotion, communication, and behavior. The medication and detox part of your treatment will treat the physical damages brought by addiction, while behavioral therapies will help you positively cope with triggers or risk factors.

Addiction is also a behavioral problem, so to ensure your lifetime sobriety, your unhealthy habits and thoughts need to be corrected. Besides that, you will have access to your support groups and family because they will give you motivation and emotional strength to finish your treatment.

4) Aftercare Programs to Prevent Relapse

Once you or your loved one completed the recovery program, you will go back to your home and society. Besides this positive news, there is also the danger of a relapse, for you are exposed again to the risk factors that pushed you to be an addict.

Fortunately, most rehab centers have an aftercare program that will help you stay sober and develop a positive coping mechanism when faced with triggers.

When To Seek Treatment?

Once you have seen yourself or your loved one developing a dependence or addiction to benzodiazepines, it’s wise to have an early intervention or consultation with an addiction specialist.

With that, you will understand the need and benefits of enrolling in rehab to get back to your healthy and happy life. The assistive and homey ambiance of any treatment facility will effectively help you achieve sobriety.

Talk to a doctor or addiction specialist today, and receive a tailored-fit recovery program.