Alcoholism Treatment Success Rates

If you have been thinking of getting alcoholism treatment, you may have thought about the success rates of recovery. There is a lot to consider when answering this question, including long-term treatment results and relapse rates. Some alcohol rehab facilities usually boast the best success rate, which could be worth considering since most have come up with innovative and modern strategies and approaches for treating alcohol addiction.

However, the truth is there is not much information about the success rates for alcohol treatment facilities. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of agreement on how to characterize success. Additionally, most rehab facilities do not give out their patient data to protect their identities and maintain confidentiality.

The success of alcoholism treatment was based on whether a patient relapsed after the recovery program. Now professionals look at alcoholism as an illness, so even though patients may start showing progress against it during recovery, they may still experience a relapse in the process. A patient going back to their previous drinking habits does not indicate that the treatment has failed; it just means that new approaches and more support should be implemented in their recovery process.

When it comes to specific treatment procedures, studies indicate that patients who get addiction medication, behavioral therapy, or combine both these methods have effective long-term sobriety.

Why Recovery from Alcoholism Is So Difficult

Alcoholism TreatmentThe rate of alcohol relapse is usually high and the recovery rate low for people suffering from alcoholism. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism states that at least 90% of people suffering from alcohol addiction will relapse at least once within four years after achieving sobriety. However, the key to maintaining lasting sobriety is to change the way you handle a relapse. Research indicates that going through an alcoholism treatment and rehabilitation program reduces the negative impacts of relapse and enhances your likelihood of preventing one.

Looking at the alcohol recovery statistics can help better understand the factors contributing to increased recovery rates and positive results. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence indicates that up to 40% of hospital beds in the United States are being used to treat alcohol-related health conditions. Rehabilitation can help individuals beat alcohol addiction and start the process of healing for the body. It also helps manage and prevent any health problems related to alcohol use, such as diabetes, cancer, and liver disease. Abstaining from alcohol for a minimum of 90 days can result in cognitive improvements, a stronger immune system, and better fertility.

Research shows that almost 10 percent of American adults suffering from mental health disorders also have an alcohol dependency. Thus, such people have a high chance for recovery success if they attend treatment programs that simultaneously treat mental health disorders co-occurring with alcohol addiction.

Even though men have a higher chance of abusing alcohol than women, many women also experience drinking problems in addition to relationship abuse, depression, unwelcome sexual advances, and other issues associated with alcohol abuse. Additionally, it has been shown that 25% of women dealing with eating disorders also suffer from alcohol addiction. Some rehabilitation programs have been optimized to deal with such co-related issues, increasing the chances for recovery for women. These programs also help affected women make the necessary changes to their lifestyle to promote their recovery.

Research indicates that most people looking for alcoholism treatment in the United States are adults aged 26 to 34. However, various senior citizens and teenagers also suffer from problems associated with alcohol abuse that need to be addressed.

How To Successfully Maintain Long-Term Sobriety

Alcoholism TreatmentWhen individuals first go into alcohol rehabilitation treatment, they may find it very hard and almost impossible to remain sober for ten days, not to mention ten years. However, research from the University of New Mexico indicated that people suffering from alcohol addiction who can maintain sobriety for at least 1 to 3 years have a higher likelihood of achieving sobriety for ten years. Participating in a sober support community and bouncing back from a relapse quickly can help you maintain long-term recovery. Participants of the study who maintained sobriety for ten years stated that they were more satisfied with their lives and had a better sense of purpose than participants who went back to drinking. A comprehensive and integrated rehab program provides you with tools that are not accessible to those trying to achieve sobriety without rehab. Recovery education, medication therapy, group therapy, counseling, and detox all help you learn how to manage the illness of alcohol addiction.

Factors Contributing to Addiction Recovery Success

To maintain and support the lifestyle and personal changes you have learned in rehabilitation, you will need to implement some aspects into your life.

  • Alcoholism TreatmentPersonal Motivation: To achieve continuous success, you will have to commit to your addiction recovery journey. Alcoholism rehab treatment teaches people how to use healthier coping strategies for difficult feelings and problems as an alternative to drinking. This takes time and is difficult, so your care team and your therapist will do their best to motivate you as you adjust to these new coping strategies.
  • Medication Therapy: Drugs like Naltrexone are effective for relapse prevention by helping to fight the urge for alcohol. A study indicates that patients who take this drug during rehab treatment have a higher chance of staying sober than those who do not take it.
  • Engaging in Self-Help Groups: Self-help programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous will give you the strength and skills necessary to evolve and grow in your sobriety the more you participate.
  • Having a Good Support System: Your network should comprise family members, partners, sober friends, therapists, and counselors. You can also add a spiritual element to your recovery to provide you with increased support, strength, and comfort.